Economic utilization of methane - Knurów Section

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Project title: "Economic utilization of methane – Knurów Section"

Priority program: "Reducing the nuisance resulting from mineral extraction"

Project objective: The main objective of the project is to protect the environment by reducing methane emissions to the atmosphere generated in the process of coal mining in JSW.

Partial objectives:

  1. Reduction of methane emissions - 10,944.29 Mg/year.
  2. Reduction of CO2 emissions - 276,370.0 Mg/year.

Beneficiary: Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. 

Project value: 71 776 114,00 PLN

Value of co-financing in the form of a loan: 60 000 000,00 PLN

Project period: 2018 - 2022